
Showing posts from March, 2023

Carriage moulding

 Another frantic wet laminating Sunday afternoon listening to Gardeners Questions . Don’t like gardening but it’s strangely reassuring and calming…. Demoulded Monday evening. Used heat blanket to keep it warm (Argos’s finest ) started at 25 degs (exotherm??) then dropped so it was 20 degs in the morning  Laminate a bit erratic, got a lost in the process and missed some 660 out I think.  I planned to do Front and rear x2 200 5mm foam, x2 200 Sides and rails x1 200, x2 660, x1 200 + 100mm wide 300gsm ud folded to fit bearing surfaces Center x1 200gsm, 5mm foam, x1 200gsm

Rudder T foil

 Here's my T foil design.  100mm cord on vertical, 75mm cord on horizontal, 600mm wide on tips. Bit on the small side but I think that's OK, my theory being that you get as much from pitch damping as lift and i dont think you need much for pitch damping. Less surface area means less drag... who knows if it will work or if I will ever get it made.....